Sunday, September 2, 2007

Company is coming

There is nothing like having company come to you house to motivate you to get things done. The furniture is polished. The floors are swept and mopped. The mirrors are shined. The best hand towels are out. The lawn is mowed, the gardens are weeded and tended and the patio is cleared of all the cobwebs. It sure feels good to have everything sparkling clean and in order but it is a lot of work getting the house ready for company. My family is coming over tomorrow for Labor Day and to celebrate family birthdays. We plan on having a big meal and plenty of birthday cake and other deserts. It will be fun having everyone over. Happy Labor Day to all!

1 comment:

Mommy pfohl said...

Hey, can I send my company to your house next time they come? It sounds wonderful! My company still steps over toys and well... beauty never happens at my house. =) Hope you had a great time with your family!