Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Nice or not so nice

There are times when I just don't have anything worth saying. So as my mother says, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. I often think of sayings like this and wonder what would God say about this. He often had his prophets say things that weren't "nice" but were for the good of a group of people. He also sent John the Baptist out to say repent and be baptized not a nice thing to hear. Sometimes we need to hear things that aren't nice because in the end they make us better. If when we hear things about ourselves that are not so nice maybe we should consider if they are for our good or the good of a group of people and allow them to make us better.

1 comment:

bryan vickery said...

Recently, a Christian group asked 3,000 teenagers to describe Jesus. The most common answer was "NICE."

Wow... I don't even know where to begin...