Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I have been pondering forgiveness today.
Here are some of my thoughts:
  • We are to forgive as God has forgiven us
  • When God forgives us he casts our sins into the sea of forgetfulness
  • The Palmist says that He (God) has removed our transgressions from us as far as the east is from the west
  • How far does our responsibility go when someone asks us for forgiveness?
  • The forgiveness of Christ also heals us and delivers us
  • God's forgiveness through Christ gives us eternal life
  • We are to forgive our brothers before we offer our sacrifices
  • Not forgiving hinders our worship of God
  • We must forgive others or God will not forgive our sins
  • We should make every attempt to help the one who needs forgiveness to receive not only our forgiveness but to lead them to God's forgiveness
  • Our sins effect others more than we can imagine
  • This subject is too large for me to grasp
Feel free to share any of your thoughts on forgiveness.


Derek Chalfant said...

Forgiveness sometimes can be one of the hardest things to do. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to forgive but like you said to be forgiven we also have to forgive. Reminds me of an older song when someone asked Jesus how many times we should forgive someone and he said 70 X 7 an old Whiteheart song.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Marggy,
When I think of forgiveness, the hardest person in the world to forgive is ourselves!!!!

I talked to a group of women in Pennsylvania at a Friends women's retreat a couple of years back and talked about the abuse I went thru when I was a little girl, and the forgiveness process - but especially forgiving myself for MY RESPONSE to the abuse and I shared this TRUE story that I had heard from another pastor...

thought you'd like to hear it too.

Here it is.....
Julie Stump [Mindy Pfohl's mom]

This is Rachael Saints story of forgiveness.... She was going to be 16. Her mother loved her so much and was so proud of her and wanted to buy her a car for her sixteenth birthday - because she was such a good girl. She had been such a wonderful daughter. Her mother didn’t have much money but she had saved and saved for this year of her daughters life. And when she talked with her daughter about going to pick out the car, the daughter said no.

Instead, she asked her mother if she would please take the money that she had saved and together they would go to the mission field for an extensive stay of about 2 months. And there, on her sixteenth birthday, she wanted to be baptized.

The mother agreed that if that is what she really wanted, that they would do it. The travel arrangements were made and together they went to the deep, deep jungle. and there... on her sixteenth birthday, Rachel Saint was baptized by a converted national. And as he was baptizing her, she looked into the face and the eyes of the man who had filled her father’s back full of poison arrows just fourteen years ago.... and she loved him. She deeply loved him.

And God set her free. Completely free.

Ps. 32: 1-2 liv.
What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their name!