Friday, May 9, 2008


This old color painting was created by my Great Grandfather Hershel F. Allen. Great Grandpa Allen was a pastor at East 16Th Street Church of God. He was a strong and gentle man. This painting belongs to my mother at this time but will one day be part of my inheritance.
After Great Grandma Jacobina passed away at an early age my Great Grandpa married her sister, so as I grew up we always referred to them as Grandpa and Aunt Kate. I know this sounds kind of strange but it is perfectly moral and legal.
Now you know a piece of my odd family history.


Shelby-Grace said...

Hey Marggy, I tagged you in my post today. So if you'd like to play along, you can go there and find out how to! Tammy

Nathan said...

beautiful picture!

Rick Brown said...

You have been tagged. Go to my blog and answer the questions and tag others.

Coby said...

You've been tagged! For the third time! haha =]