Thursday, February 14, 2008


Because today is valentines day I thought I would blog about love. Specifically about love languages. I recently read The Love Languages of God by Gary Chapman. In this book he describes five love languages that God speaks: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. While reading this book I discovered that my primary love language is Physical Touch. There is nothing that is more wonderful to me than being in the presence of God where I can feel His touch. This helped me to understand why I am so moved to raise my hands, dance, sway, and just move physically during musical worship. It is my way of expressing back to God, in my primary love language, my love for Him. When I raise my hands in worship my heart is saying what Romans 12:1 states. Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. At other times I raise my hands in agreement with the words of the song, while singing "I am free" my heart is giving God thanks for all the freedom He has given me. At other times I reach up to ask my Father to pick me up and comfort me when I am down. I know that expressing your love for God physically is very uncomfortable for some of you. But each of you have a primary love language and we all tend to express our love in our primary language. Think about what your primary love language might be and how you can express your love back to God.
Happy Valentines Day!


Mommy pfohl said...

Wonderful post and AWESOME thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

Tonya said...

That's a great book! He also has one for children that's wonderful. It helped me figure out what my kids' love languages are. I think my love language is a combination of words of affirmation and touch.